Article About our Ticked-Off Aldermen
Here's an article in today's Daily News Journal that covers the whining of our aldermen about issues including the federal investigation into LaVergne's pink water problems. ::rollseyes::
I had to laugh at the comment about the council reviewing the city's parade and demonstration requirements because a lone person who is protesting a speeding ticket is doing so without a permit. Good grief. I think our elected folks need to concentrate more on topics such as:
- Why they allowed FOUR auto parts stores to be built on the same block.
- Why they don't require builders to put in a flippin' sidewalk on BOTH sides of the street.
- How they can find money to build sidewalks around the schools so children don't have to walk in the busy streets.
- How to give our codes department more opportunities to drive around the town and remove the ugly little real estate pointer signs that are STILL everywhere.
- How the town can somehow be beautified more so Main Street doesn't look like the barf of Iron Giant (the gigantic metal-eating robot cartoon movie).
- When the street from the middle school will be opened onto Sand Hill Road.
- When they're going to finish one of the Shreibman streets so Fergus and Stones River roads aren't the only exits out of Lake Forest subdivision.
- Put a plan in place to rename the idiotically named "LaVergne Lake Elementary School" to something that makes sense: Stones River Elementary, Sand Hill Elementary, Lake Forest Elementary, Oprah Winfrey Elementary. But that won't happen because I believe some of the illustrious people on the council are the ones who came up with the name in the first place. Stupid is as stupid does, I suppose.
With all my whining, maybe I should run for a seat on the Town Council! hahaha!!! Meanwhile, if you're thinking about buying or selling a home, call me!!!!! ;)
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