Lots of Free Food and Prizes!
UPDATE: The official word from the city follows.
Volunteers are needed to help plan the 2007 National Night Out Against Crime, according to event organizer Angie Mayes.... And now back to the original post... Okay, not really any free food or prizes, but I really really really really want you to read this whole post!!!
Anyone interested in being a part of this year's event -- which will take place on Aug. 7 from 6 - 10 p.m. at Veteran's Memorial Park -- is urged to contact Mayes at amayes@lavergne.org.
The National Night Out is a 24-year-old stand against crime in which citizens are urged to take back their neighborhoods from the criminal element. It has been observed in La Vergne for more than a decade.
"I'm hoping that this year's event will be well attended by members of the community," Mayes said. "We hope to have demonstrations by emergency personnel, samples of ways to protect your home by vendors and more."
The initial planning meeting will take place April 21st at 10 a.m. at the La Vergne Parks and Recreation Building, 294 Sand Hill Road in La Vergne. For more information, contact Mayes at 287-8690 or 207-4678 (8a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
The city is looking for help with the National Night Out Against Crime coming in ... ummm... when is it? Some background - this was the event last year that really began the partnership between this blog and the city. I had said that Smyrna was having one that we weren't invited to, not knowing that our own La Vergne also had one (we hadn't carefully read the town's newsletter that the Mayor et al send.).
They need help. They need OUR HELP. What say you, blog readers? Can we show them what we're made of and step up to the plate making this the best event ever?! Please comment or shoot me an email at kathzy(dot)tysozn(at)comcastz(dot)netz (and remove the Z's - protecting myself from the evil email spammers). Or you can email Angie Mayes at amayeszz(at)lavergnez(dot)orgz. (same deal with the Z's -get rid of 'em).
I'm talking to Ginger, Ivy, Chip, View from the Lake, and readers Jennifer, John, I'm Just Sayin', Michael, Sandra, Cyndi, and yes even Anonymous! Come on, let's show some love to our community. Time to put our ::money:: (time) where our mouth is!
La Vergne is also looking for more volunteers, according to the Living in La Vergne blog:
The City of La Vergne is looking for volunteers for boards and committees. The openings are as follows:
One person is needed for the Board of Zoning Appeals (BOZA).
Two people are needed for the Employee Review Board.
Two people are needed for the Greenway Advisory Committee.
Two people are needed for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee.
Three people are needed for the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee.
To apply, please stop by City Recorder Bruce Richardson's office in La Vergne City Hall, 5093 Murfreesboro Road, La Vergne. His number is 793-6295. His office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Labels: activities, committees, Events
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