La Vergne, Tennessee

La Vergne, Tennessee is one of the fastest growing communities in Tennessee (and probably in the Southeastern United States). A few short years ago, the population was approximately 9,000. Today, there are more than 25,000 residents who call La Vergne "home" and it continues to grow. This blog is dedicated to keeping our community updated on current events, and serves as a guide for restaurants, entertainment, schools, and more. Welcome to La Vergne!

Monday, July 31, 2006

Portable Potty

We aren't talking about the kind of potties that those whacky teenagers tip over while being used by construction workers. What we're getting at is the school board is considering funding over $180,000 to put bathrooms in the portables at area schools.

Here's the link from the Daily News Journal.

The school board is also considering a 2.5% raise for teachers! I think they DESERVE a 25% raise, but I know we really can't afford that. Shame.

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