La Vergne, Tennessee

La Vergne, Tennessee is one of the fastest growing communities in Tennessee (and probably in the Southeastern United States). A few short years ago, the population was approximately 9,000. Today, there are more than 25,000 residents who call La Vergne "home" and it continues to grow. This blog is dedicated to keeping our community updated on current events, and serves as a guide for restaurants, entertainment, schools, and more. Welcome to La Vergne!

Monday, April 16, 2007

JL Kirk v. Coble Roundup

I just found this article via Newscoma that was published in the Nashville City Paper. It’ s a very interesting read about how the big law firm retained by JL Kirk Associates and the company itself is trying to stifle Katherine Coble’s written experiences she and her husband had with the headhunting company. Bill Hobbs has an outstanding roundup here.

I think one of the most interesting things is that Coble’s attorney said a blog is not responsible for the comments made by others to the blog. That said, I personally feel an obligation to not allow comments (as we all know!) that reads as a personal attack on someone. Now if that someone was to comment in person and start the whole thing, that’s a whole ‘nother can of worms. Anyway, go read what’s going on in the world of blogs.


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