La Vergne, Tennessee

La Vergne, Tennessee is one of the fastest growing communities in Tennessee (and probably in the Southeastern United States). A few short years ago, the population was approximately 9,000. Today, there are more than 25,000 residents who call La Vergne "home" and it continues to grow. This blog is dedicated to keeping our community updated on current events, and serves as a guide for restaurants, entertainment, schools, and more. Welcome to La Vergne!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Family Needs Help After Fire

DNJ Reporter Mealand Ragland-Hudgins sent this:

This is information about what the Walker family needs after losing their home Sunday. Wendy is a a friend of the family and got the info for me . Her number is 216-7510, e-mail is

Ricky (father) needs...
shirts- XL
jeans- 34/36 waist 30 length
shoes- 9 1/2
He needs steel toe work boots before he can return to work (donation pending).

Dawn (mother) needs...
shirts- Large
pants- 12
shoes- 8 1/2 or 9

Nicci (16 year old daughter) needs...
pants- 3
shirts- small or medium
shoes- 6

John Charles (14 year old son) needs...
jeans- 32 waist 32 length
shirts- medium or large
shoes- 11

The kids shirts for school must be plain. No logos or wordage. Someone is taking care of personal clothing (underwear). They would like a microwave, hair dryer, hair brush, toiletries, food, small fridge, anything you need daily to function is needed.

The family is in a hotel in Murfreesboro. They are going to have to rent a place as insurance is NOT taking care of that for them. They found a place in La Vergne for $600.00 a month. They need the deposit, first and last months rent to get in. Plus deposits on utilities. The Red Cross give them $545 for food and clothes. If they get enough food and clothes in donation then they can use that towards the house. ANYTHING will help!


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