La Vergne, Tennessee

La Vergne, Tennessee is one of the fastest growing communities in Tennessee (and probably in the Southeastern United States). A few short years ago, the population was approximately 9,000. Today, there are more than 25,000 residents who call La Vergne "home" and it continues to grow. This blog is dedicated to keeping our community updated on current events, and serves as a guide for restaurants, entertainment, schools, and more. Welcome to La Vergne!

Monday, March 26, 2007

How to Stop Hunting Next to Houses

La Vergne'ite John Buntville brought to our attention that hunting is permitted on that strip of TWRA land (on the "other" side of Stones River Road across from Lake Forest subdivision). While it is the right of every legal, law-abiding U.S. citizen to carry arms (and hunt), that proximity to one of the biggest subdivision in the United States really is a serious concern.

Here's what Mr. Buntville says:
It was in committee last week. I don't know about you but it scares the hell out of me to know people with rifles and shotguns are shooting toward your homes. They hunt deer, turkey, etc. They're supposed to stay so far (it's either 50 or 100 feet) from homes, but if you think about it that's not too far, given the fact that the road's what, 24 feet wide? And what hunter's going to measure how close he is to the road?
We would like to encourage people of La Vergne to contact their state senators and here's how:

Senator Bill Ketron
311 War Memorial Building
Nashville, TN 37243-0213
Phone (615) 741-6853
Fax (615) 253-0282
Staff Contact: Shirley Jacobs

Sen. Jim Tracy
309 War Memorial Building
Nashville, TN 37243-2016
Phone (615) 741-1066

We encourage you to not put this off since it's already in committee... contact your Senator as soon as possible. We aren't asking for hunting to be prohibited in Tennessee Wildlife areas... just that it be prevented in areas that are so close to subdivisions as is the area next to Lake Forest.

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